New gods

Eventually, she relents and grabs the cards. Unable to decide whether it’s the familiar and true or the ineffable drawing her back. The Unseen Mind wishes to be seen, acknowledged, engaged with. All conscious beings crave relationship. Without the mortals there are no gods…

How it happens is something she released long ago. The frequencies still not quite resonant, discrepancy of perception still much too great for this human vehicle to understand. The self-doubt is deafening. The questioning of sanity and legitimacy and truth. When she sinks into the realization that the human world alone can’t reach truth, the humility is healing; and balms burning fear into soft curiosity. New flesh reaching without shame towards a seemingly all-powerful other.

The symbols appear as if from a dream…a conversation begins.

She hears the words in a voice beyond herself but within her still. Realignment at last in the wake of a surrender severed from the weight of judgment.

Pressure gone, she smiles. God gone, she laughs and greets the Unseen Mind as an equal at last.


Prophetica natura